Many people attend networking functions to meet people who can help them grow their business. They make a business connection, yet they don’t actually get business from those business leads simply because they don’t follow up. How many times have you heard this conversation?

“That sounds really interesting. I’d like to learn more about that.”

“That would be great. Maybe we could meet for coffee?”

“Yes! I’d really like that. Let’s definitely get together.”

“Maybe next week?”

“Sure! I’ll check my schedule.”

“Let’s talk soon!”

Then nothing happens.

This can be due to networking “drive-bys” as my friend, Sarah Michel dubs them, where people feel as though they are in a race to collect business cards as though it was the adult version of an Easter egg hunt.

Why don’t we follow up? A quick poll yielded these excuses.

Fear: The reluctance to follow-up can stem from uncertainty … Read More

Somewhat few people today recognize the underlying complexity of the existing telephone networking system that delivers virtually all of the communications to companies and residents in the UK. In its existing kind, you can find 17 interconnected platforms which function collectively to form the slightly muddled nervous technique with the market and this layout has been produced more than the years as new technologies and platforms happen to be introduced to compliment or supplant those already in existence.

The result is not surprisingly that BT has to commit a significant percentage of its price range in maintaining and repairing the disparate technologies, at the same time as keeping engineers trained in the use of them all. This drives up the charges connected with operating BT and is not held to become a specifically useful or sustainable technique inside the longer term.

As such, BT is arranging to introduce … Read More