How many times have you contacted an IT firm to discuss a simple upgrade to your system and then found yourself fending off an onslaught of useless product upgrades you didn’t need and didn’t ask for? Many IT firms and computer repair companies have their own side deals set up with certain software and hardware vendors so it pays for them to push their products.

But if you don’t need it what is the point of adding complex applications and hardware to your system? Simply put none. More often than not what you end up adding to your system is an unnecessary program that will simply cause more headaches in the future and doesn’t even begin to assist you with your original problem.

Did you know you can create and implement your own custom network? It’s true. Many people who are not experts with computers are led to … Read More

Every piece of a business system can be automated. However, with automation comes the possibility of computer generated errors, and this problem becomes even worse when the automation has to do with content driven material such as social networking. If there is a piece of communication that should not be managed by computers, it is the social media component of a business’s advertising strategy.

Newsletters are commonly one of the most automated pieces of social networking. These newsletters are great for generating top of the mind awareness that every business needs to generate revenue. However, when these tools make mistakes, they are usually grievous errors. For example, there are many systems that will allow a business owner to insert the first name of a prospect dynamically using code. There are times when this code is accidentally changed and the code itself is shown. There is nothing more challenging … Read More