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What To Know About Chinese Gifting Culture? When talking about Chinese gifting culture, it isn’t only about the choice of gift that plays an important role but the sum of money you spent on it, how it was wrapped and to how you have presented it are things to be considered. In Chinese societies, presents are given for holidays similar to birthdays, special events similar to dinner, official business meetings and the likes. While the red envelopes are so popular options for weddings and Chinese New Year, gifts are completely acceptable too. For the purpose of this article, we’re going to concentrate on one subject and that is how much you should spend when giving gifts following the Chinese gifting culture. The receiver’s relationship and the occasion as well can be used in determining the worth of gift. In business settings to which more than one person is going to receive gifts, most senior officials or person has to receive the most expensive presents. To those who have different ranks in a company, they shouldn’t receive the same type of gift.
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Lavish and several other over the top gifts might not be received that much for certain reasons while there are instances that there is a need for buying expensive gifts. First things first, the person might be embarrassed because he/she can’t reciprocate with a gift that has same value or during a business deals particularly with politicians, this can serve as bribes. The sum of money inside the red envelope will depend on the situation too and there is actually a great debate on this topic on how much should be given.
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As for the amount of money to be given in red envelopes during Chinese New Year, it is going to be determined by the giver’s relation to the children and their age as well. An equivalent amount to 7 dollars is usually fine for younger children but more money is put inside when giving it to older children as well as teens. The amount should be enough for children to buy shirt of his own or DVD. Parents can give their kids with higher amount since the material gifts aren’t given during holidays. With regards to employees at work, yearend bonus is usually the equivalent of 1 month’s salary though, the amount may vary. The money in red envelope should be an equivalent of a nice gift that’ll be given at Western Weddings if you’re attending a wedding. To give you an example, if the dinner costs 35 dollars per person for the newlyweds, then the money inside the envelope ought to be at least 35 dollars or more.

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