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HVAC Services – Foolproof Tips To Save Money

Getting HVAC services is oftentimes necessary to be able to keep an apartment or home comfortable all throughout the year. And since heating and AC repair services will be done every now and then, here are tips that you should consider using.

Number 1. Use window coverings and shades – losing cool air throughout warmer months can increase the work output that your HVAC system does in order to keep your house comfortable. The added workload is not only predisposing the system to damage but it can also reduce its efficiency. The good thing is that, by using window coverings and shades, this can prevent the loss of heat while reducing radiant heat from the sun.

Number 2. Seal the cooling ducts – the efficiency of the AC will depend on how well its cooling ducts are maintained. By sealing the ductwork, it isn’t just going to improve its effectiveness but it will help as well to streamline the airflow by up to 20 percent. For this reason, it can help in reducing the risk of dealing with AC breakdowns. Professional HVAC contractors will be testing the system in order to know if the air flows properly and then recommend what is the best sealant to use. As a matter of fact, even though this adjustment seems simple, it can help homeowners to save hundreds of dollars that can be spent on paying energy bills as well as regular HVAC services.
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Number 3. Schedule a maintenance and service – just like any other electronics that we are using, HVAC has to be maintained on a daily basis in an effort to find any flaws and at the same time, rectify them before problem strikes. There are some companies that are offering discounts to clients who chose a monthly or annual maintenance package. You may want to take a look at these companies or ask your current service provider if they are offering such.
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Number 4. Change the filters more often – as time pass by, air filters of your AC will be clogged with dirt and several other types of debris. Failing to do this can cause the system to overheat or damage other internal damages that are costly to fix. Fortunately, this can be avoided by simply cleaning the filters and replacing the old ones. As you are buying air filters for your AC, make sure that the size is compatible with the system as often, they are not.

Number 5. Seal the leaks – it can lead to massive loss of conditioned air if there’s gap at the edges of doors and windows and even cracks. It is best that you check weather stripping on the windows, doors, attic and several other areas to be able to prevent such loss.

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